Joinbon Technology @ INFIERI Summer School: Communicate with “core”

Author:admin   Time: 2019-05-15   Source:admin 1077

May 13th, The 5th Summer School on INtelligent signal processing for FrontIEr Research and Industry (hereinafter referred to as "INFIERI Summer School") was officially opened at Huazhong University of Science and Technology. INFIERI Summer School was organized by the European Union and was held at international universities such as Oxford University and Paris University. This was the first time that the event has been held in Asia.


The event gathered experts from the European Nuclear Research Center, the French CNRS, the China High Energy Institute, the University of Birmingham, the University of Hamburg, and the Tsinghua University. They conducted academic exchanges and results sharing on frontier research and major technologies in a variety of subject areas, such as astrophysics, high-energy physics, medicine, artificial intelligence, and big data. 

International experts introduced their research and experimental courses


As a pioneer in the field of light detection in China, Joinbon Technology Co., Ltd. (Hubei) is an important participating unit of INFIERI Summer School. Deputy General Manager Lin Wang was invited to participate in the course. At the same time, Joinbon Technology Opened Laboratory, provided SiPM samples and set up experimental conditions to guide students' experimental activities.


On the afternoon of the 13th, in the course of the summer school, Wang introduced the main technical features and application fields of the new SiPM based on the standard CMOS technology, so that the students had a clear understanding of SiPM. Then Lin Wang explained the content and arrangement of the scientific experiment. Finally Lin Wang welcomed students to choose Joinbon Lab.


 Lin Wang introduced SiPM


On the afternoon of the 15th, the international students reached Joinbon Lab. The R&D department engineer Xi Zhang led the students to visit the company's batch test line and precision analysis lab, and introduced the physical and technical basis of the experiment to the students. Then the students completed the experiment under the leadership of the technicians.


In the experimental activities, students have greatly promoted their understanding of SiPM through knowledge exchange, technical learning, and experimental practice with professional technicians. In the next days, more international students will come to the Joinbon Laboratory to finish their experimental.

The technician directed the student to do experiments


The theme of INFIERI Summer School is Integration. Academically, cross-integration through knowledge convection, pattern combination, method collision, and theoretical mutual authentication has promoted the development of science and education. This is also the inevitable trend of science and education development, and the source of innovative ideas. Integration also reflects culture, ideology, etc. Experts and students from different races, regions and cultures can improve their research level and international perspective through communication, which is important for cultivating multinational talents.