Provincial Development and Reform Commission leaders visited Joinbon Technology

Author:admin   Time: 2018-10-17   Source:admin 769

On October 16, Bo Cai, director of the High Technology Department of Hubei Development and Reform Commission, and researcher Larong Cheng and thier entourage visited the progress of Joinbon Technology industrialization.


Lin Wang introduced the silicon photomultiplier products to the leaders


Lin Wang, deputy general manager of Joinbon Technology, accompanied the leaders to visit the company's product workshop, and introduced the progress of the silicon photomultiplier project to the leaders, detailing the company's current progress in products and markets, as well as company qualifications, intellectual property, and the situation of Joinbon's management. Director Cai said the current work of Joinbon Technology has high technical content and great development potential. The relevant departments of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission will increase support and increase the docking of relevant funds, and will report to the provincial government on Ezhou that Liangzihu District and Wutonghu's support policies and emphasis for technology companies.