TN Series SiPM

Active Area:3mm×3mm

Package Dimension:4.0mm×4.0mm×0.68mm

Pixel Pitch:37μm

No. of Pixels:5929

Fill Factor:60.2%

Performance Parameter
Parameter Value Condition Unit
Spectral Response Range 250-950 -- nm
Peak Sensitive Wavelenth 420 -- nm
Breakdown Voltage 25±0.2 @25℃ V
Overvoltage 1-5 -- V
Peak PDE 32% Vov=2V@420nm --
Gain 2.1×106 Vov=2V --
Rise Time 1.2 Vov=2V ns
Recovery Time Constant 29 Vov=2V ns
Dark Count Rate Typ.:88 Max.:200 Vov=2V kHz/mm2
Dark Current Typ.:463 Max.:980 Vov=2V nA
Temperature Dependency of Vbr 34.4 -- mV/℃
Crosstalk Probability 1.3% Vov=2V --
Afterpluse Probability 2.1% Vov=2V --
Pixel Capacitance 98 Vov=2V fF
Package Drawing
Product Data Sheet